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Techno-Classica Essen



woensdag 12 april 2023 t.e.m. zondag 16 april 2023

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Norbertstraße 2
45131 Essen (DE)

route plannen


Philippe Bacquaert
Tel. 0475 824 133
Stuur e-mail


The classic world show from 12* to 16. April 2023
* April 12, 2023: Preview, Happy View Day

The most important trade show for classic cars, classic & prestige automobiles, motor sports and motorcycles. In addition, there are important topics such as spare parts, accessories, restoration and other services related to historic vehicles.

Dealers and visitors expected from all over the world.

Undisputed No. 1 international meeting place for the industry, more than 1000 exhibitors from over 30 nations, more than 200 Clubs, IGs and associations.

Over 2700 exciting automobiles from all eras on offer.


auto's motorfietsen


bezoek website


Philippe Bacquaert
Tel. 0475 824 133
Stuur e-mail

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Waardetaxaties.nl - uw expert in taxeren van oldtimers
Freighthammer - importeren en exporteren van oldtimers
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Klassiek & Techniek - Het leukste klassieker-magazine
DeLeon - Classis Investment Cars
Marlog Car Handling - verschepen en importeren van oldtimers
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Catawiki online oldtimer veiling
Klassiek & Techniek - Het leukste klassieker-magazine
DeLeon - Classis Investment Cars
Marlog Car Handling - verschepen en importeren van oldtimers
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