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Essen Motor Show



vrijdag 26 november 2021 t.e.m. zondag 5 december 2021

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Messeplatz 1
45131 Essen (DE)

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Philippe Bacquaert
Stuur e-mail


Event for sports cars, tuning, motorsports and classic cars
27.11.-05.12.2021 / 26.11. Previewday


Those who want to have their gas foot in touch with the latest trends come to the Essen Motor Show. Hardly an industry is currently developing as fast as the automobile industry, and the trade exhibition in Essen is an ideal platform in order to present new products and innovations to a most welcoming public. Therefore, our exhibitors are also increasingly presenting their sports series cars in Essen.


When it comes to tuning, there is no way to get around the Essen Motor Show. The EMS not only represents the finale of a motorsport season, it is also the starting gun for the tuners who stock up with new parts in Essen.

The tuningXperience has long since developed from an insider's tip to a blockbuster on the scene. The special show in Hall 1A is encompassing around 200 ambitiously tuned vehicles from all over Europe.


Absolute control over power and dynamics - the appeal of motorsport lies in the mastery of almost indomitable power. When the steering wheel vibrates promisingly in your hands and the engine roars challengingly at the touch of the accelerator pedal - that is the fascination of motorsport.


The passion for Classic Cars can be compared with the love for a good wine. Like them Classic Cars are an expression of taste and style; but they are likewise investment property and collectors' items. And just like with good wines there are also real connoisseurs in the modern classic and antique car segments. At the Essen Motor Show they meet at the Classic and Prestige Salon in halls 1 and 2.




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Philippe Bacquaert
Stuur e-mail

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