Je bent hier: Oldtimer evenementen > 5. Int. ADAC Zurich Westfalen Klassik - FIVA World Rally

5. Int. ADAC Zurich Westfalen Klassik - FIVA World Rally



woensdag 1 september 2021 t.e.m. zondag 5 september 2021

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Kurpark (Gartenstrasse)
D-59505 Bad Sassendorf (DE)

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Hans Georg Filzek
Tel. +49 231 5499 236
Stuur e-mail


FIVA World Rally
Vienna, Wales and now – Westphalia! In 2021, the 5th Int. ADAC ZURICH Westfalen Klassik is an official “FIVA World Rally”. From 1-5 September 2021, the Westphalian world class rally will turn the spa town of Bad Sassendorf in the heart of the Sauerland into an Eldorado for vintage car fans from all over the world. The tranquil place in the heart of the Sauerland has prevailed over metropolises like Sydney when the location for the “FIVA World Rally” was chosen.

This means: the ADAC Westfalen organizes the ADAC ZURICH Westfalen Klassik around Bad Sassendorf as a FIVA World Rally. Every year, the FIVA (Fédération Internationale des Véhicules Anciens) awards its World Event to a different country in the world. The last time it took place in Germany was in 2000 (Berlin).

We are very proud of this and are already looking forward excitedly to this event.




bezoek website


Hans Georg Filzek
Tel. +49 231 5499 236
Stuur e-mail

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